Customised Promotional Screen Printed T-shirts

tshirt printing

Screen printing is an excellent method that’s becoming more and more popular for people and businesses looking to create their own custom printed t-shirt designs, especially in bulk. It keeps costs down thanks to the straightforward process, and whatever the purpose of your t-shirts you’ll be able to get great quality shirts that are more than up to the job. We have seen many businesses get custom printed t-shirts made for promotional events, but ordering in bulk to get a very low cost per unit is also really useful for things like charities, sporting events, freshers, societies, parties and much more. You just need to find a great place to get your shirts made.

Outsourcing from budget printers for cheap t-shirt screen printing is almost always the best choice, as the equipment to do it yourself is likely to be prohibitively expensive. Established t-shirt screen printers have the right tools in place to reproduce your designs in bulk and deliver them quickly and efficiently. The infrastructure in a professional company will be better than any DIY operation you can set up yourself, and save a lot of time and hassle.


Not only that, but they know how to save costs on materials without compromising on quality. As a novice, it may be impossible to know what kinds of dyes and fabrics will produce the correct results. Different styles and colours will dramatically affect the end result depending on the exact process chosen, so an expert opinion from someone with lots of experience is really key here.

Considering the average cost of bulk screen printed t-shirts, there really is no reason why you wouldn’t go for professional printing to save on cost especially with large numbers of t-shirts. Normally as the quantity of your order increases, the price per unit will fall quickly. Expect to pay just a couple of pounds per t-shirt if your design is relatively simple and you’re placing an order in bulk.

Artwork preparation is really the only thing you need to have some knowledge of yourself if you really want to maximise the value you get from your printed shirts. Depending on the company you select, they will probably give you some guidelines and ask for specific formats for your artwork so it can be printed properly. Bear in mind that with screen printing, each colour is printed separately in a layer, so if your design lends itself well to this kind of printing you will see better results.

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